HOME > Product > Katsugi-Okedo-Taiko


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  • Size / Price
  • Re Skin
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    The katsugi okedo is worn slung over the shoulder with a strap and can be played while moving or in a stationary position. The finish on the body ranges from back to mahogany and the rope comes in a variety of colors - your choice of purple, black, red, orange, white or natural. Straps are sold separately. We carry different styles of straps in various colors, including our own original design.
  • Size / Price

    Weight Price
    (including tax)
    1尺4寸(42cm) 1尺7寸(51cm)  4.5㎏ 187,000円
    1尺5寸(45cm) 1尺7寸5分(52.5cm)  5.0㎏ 209,000円
    1尺6寸(48cm) 1尺8寸(54cm)  5.4㎏ 231,000円
  • Re Skin

    Size One side
    (including tax)
    Both sides
    (including tax)
    1尺4寸(42cm) 73,700円 123,200円
    1尺5寸(45cm) 82,500円 136,400円
    1尺6寸(48cm) 91,300円 150,700円
Asano Taiko Showroom/Store
587-1 Fukudome, Hakusan-City, Ishikawa Prefecture 924-0051 Tel.076-277-1717